We LOVE to look at baby pictures don't we????
Allow me to inflict my slide show upon you--you don't even have to come to my house and eat bad fondue or anything.  You can sit right in your own home in your bathrobe and gaze at them until your eyes glaze over.  Seriously--this is an album of all the daylilies that I have for sale, minus just a few that I have forgotten to photograph.  I am not Ansel Adam's mother, aunt, creepy uncle or weird cousin, so you will have to just accept the skill level as it is.  I try to get something that shows you with some accuracy what the flower looks like--and other than cropping out extraneous junk and adding text with the cultivar name I don't alter these photos in any way.  Color on monitors will most likely vary somewhat.  I am in the process of blabbing away about each one in the form of captions that will hopefully be somewhat informative.  Eventually I will blab them all, but for now you can probably read enough to make your eyes water.  You can hover over the thumbnail to read a short blab, or if its overly long just click on the pic and you can see the whole load of---text. 
Here is the link to the Picasa album:
Have at it.  I haven't proofed them yet so don't be horrified by any typos you may find.